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There is a lot of concern about the effects of the coronavirus on our economy, jobs/livelihood, relationships, and health among other things. Because we have not gone through a similar experience in our lifetime, there’s a lot of uncertainty about how we will cope and it’s normal to feel anxious. We are getting bombarded with conflicting advice – which only makes us more anxious. 

To reduce confusion, I recommend that we follow the guidelines of the CDC ( to prevent the spread of the virus along with efforts to take care of ourselves should we contract it. To that end, if you feel sick or ill or show any cold-/flu-like symptoms, stay home and cancel in-person appointments. I expect that some of you will also be required to provide child or elder care during this time – limiting your availability. Even if you “need to get out of the house,” attending an appointment while showing any signs of illness is too risky. Stay home.

As an alternative to in-person appointments, I’m offering telehealth services to those that qualify.

The process involves using online video to conduct therapy sessions. It’s a way for us to continue our work together while avoiding either the spread or contraction of the virus by going out in public. Telehealth can also help if you have friends and loved ones that need you home to care for them.

Who qualifies for telehealth services? Persons who are emotionally unstable and have been recently hospitalized; exhibit significant cognitive impairments and/or psychotic symptoms; those who are under the influence during the appointment time; and who are indigent and/or are currently experiencing an unstable living situation are all not appropriate for telehealth services at this time. In addition, if you cannot have undisturbed and/or undistracted time to participate in the telehealth session, then you will not qualify for the service.



I only see clients using telehealth services. I am no longer seeing any clients in-person.

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 A common concern for people who live with others is how to find a place where you can be alone and undisturbed. There are several ways you can achieve this temporary isolation. One option - identify a room in your house where you can be alone for an hour or so. If you expect to be interrupted by others, maybe ask another adult or adolescent to care for others during your time in session. A second option is to use your car. Setup your phone, laptop or tablet in your car. You can stay in your garage or drive to a location like a park where you’re not likely to be disturbed. If neither of these ideas are applicable, I’m sure we can come up with one that fits with your situation if we put our heads together.

For us to make effective use of telehealth services, I want you to be completely informed of what to expect and how we can best approach it. If you are willing to participate in telehealth hervices, I will send you a 3-part Consent for Telehealth Services form via SimplePractice. Just message me your interest or inform me at our next session.

In the meantime, I have provided links to resources that address aspects of the Coronavirus outbreak HERE. Read through them and apply as needed. Feel free to communicate with me any need you may have related to this outbreak and I will try to offer suggestions.